Measures of Student Achievement and Success
Student achievement is measured in many ways at Mary Honeywell E.S. Observations, student tracking sheets, parent‐teacher interviews, homework books or planners, phone calls home, portfolios, participation in the Ontario assessment for grade 3, progress reports, and report cards are some of the means by which the school keeps track of student progress. Primary grades participate in storytelling as their debut into public speaking. Junior level students participate in English and French public speaking contests within the family of schools and the region. Their standing in these contests, which are judged by personnel from outside the school, is consistently high. An award sponsored by the Ontario Principal’s Council, is presented yearly at the grade 5 level for academic excellence and school citizenship. Another award is offered by the Mary Honeywell School Council to students in grades 3, 4, and 5 who demonstrate, through the course of the year, their commitment to fair play and sportsmanship
School Improvement Plans and Initiatives
1. Our school initiatives this year focus on five important areas that foster successful student achievement and promote a safe learning environment.
2. Students in all grades will be engaged in numerous literacy based activities/events such as reading and writing portfolios, editing and publishing school‐wide student work, home reading programs and “reading buddies”.
3. This year, students will begin learning about the 3 part lesson and how this facilitates a better understanding in math.
4. We are purchasing interactive technology such as Smartboards which promote hands on learning.
5. Staff continues to participate in professional development in literacy, numeracy, and technology.