Week in Review & Upcoming Events

December 16 - December 20, 2024Today, we ended our day with a heartfelt clap-out for our beloved office administrator, Kim Sturrock. In the new year, she will be embarking on an exciting new opportunity within the OCDSB. We wish her all the best and will miss her deeply! |
Mary Honeywell Staff and Students would like to thank members of our School Council for all that you do for our school. The next council meeting will be on January 14, 2024. It will be virtual this time. If you would like to attend, please let us know.
Winter Sing Along: This past Thursday, students and staff came together for a joyful winter sing-along, filling the room with smiles and excitement.
Snowhawks are back at Mary Honeywell! The below email was sent last week: For 2025, Snowhawks Ottawa returns to Mary Honeywell to offer students in grades 4 to 6 a four-day, after-school ski & snowboard program. The first outing will be Monday, February 3, 2025, and the program will continue Feb 10, Feb 24 & Mar 3 (with no outing on the Ontario Family Holiday Monday). Two trips each to Vorlage and Mt Cascades will provide plenty of variety. Participants may register for lift tickets and motor coach travel only, with buddied free-ski time and general supervision; or they may add lessons and/or equipment rental as desired. Parents may also indicate their interest in volunteering during the online registration process. Motor coaches will leave the school at early dismissal and return to school at 9:00 PM. Deadline for registration is Jan 3rd, although space may fill before the deadline. Click here for the program info-sheet which includes a link to the Snowhawks Registration Portal. For answers to any questions about the program, please contact Snowhawks Ottawa directly at ottawa@snowhawks.com |
Kindergarten Information Night: Our sign is up for registration starting in January. The Kindergarten Information Night is scheduled for January 21st at 6 PM in our library. Please share this information with any families who might be interested. Here is a list of all the Kindergarten Information Nights across the OCDSB.
Student Drop-Off: This is a reminder that student drop-off begins at 8:15 AM. We have noticed some students arriving earlier, but please note that supervision is not available before 8:15. It is important to adhere to this rule for everyone's safety. Families will be contacted directly for children unsupervised before 8:15.am.
Character Trait of the Month: Appreciation As we conclude our month of highlighting the character trait of appreciation, we showcase our Kindness board featuring tips on how to express gratitude. |
Students vs. Staff Borden Ball Game: This week, we had a fun and friendly match! The students gave it their all, but the staff ultimately claimed the victory! |
Primary Kindness Club: Grades 1-3 Fridays Junior Leaders Club: Grades 4-6 Various days Colouring Club: Grades 1 and 2 Tuesdays Yoga Club: Grades 4-6 Mondays Shoe Tying Club for primary students: Coming soon! Lego Club: Coming in the new year!
Early Pick-up: For the safety and smooth operation of our school, we kindly ask that parents avoid picking up their child after 2:45 PM. The office becomes quite busy at this time, so we encourage you to either wait until dismissal or arrange for an earlier pick-up. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Children arriving by car: Kindly refrain from utilizing the daycare parking and bus lane lot for drop-offs and pick up. When dropping off your child on Kennevale, please ensure they utilize the designated crosswalk. Crossing the road into live traffic poses a significant danger to students. There are dedicated crossing guards to ensure your child arrives at school safely.
Bus Lane and sidewalks in Front of Mary Honeywell: This laneway is a one-way lane and a designated bus lane. We ask that you avoid parking here for the safety of everyone. Families are encouraged to use our Kiss and Ride lane or parking lot at the side of the building. Should you be in this lane when buses arrive, you must remain parked until the buses leave. U-turns are not permitted. Also, please take care when parking on the street and note your surroundings (students walking, parents with young children in strollers). We have had a few calls over the last week about distracted drivers creating unsafe situations. Thank you for your cooperation.
Buses: OSTA continues to struggle with finding and/or replacing bus drivers. For this reason, they’ve had no choice but to cancel bus runs from time to time. Please make sure to check your email daily as this is the only way we can efficiently notify you when a bus is canceled or going to be late.
OSTA Link to Transportation Update for the Return to School 2024-25
OSTA Link to OSTA Portal Registration
Celebrations involving food: We know that many parents like to celebrate birthdays and other occasions with special treats. Due to many allergies in our school, we encourage parents to celebrate with non food items such as stickers, pencils,themed erasers, or other trinkets, rather than food. Any food sent into share with students should be pre packaged and contain an ingredient label. Please check with your child’s teacher before sending items in for distribution.
Dismissal: There is no supervision for students after 3pm. We understand that emergencies can happen which may prevent you from being here on time. Please let the office know if you are not able to be here and we will make arrangements for your child to be supervised. Office: 613-825-4834
Visitors to the school: For the safety of our students, please note that ALL visitors must enter through the front door after they press the outdoor bell and identify themselves to our office staff. Please do not hold the door open for others. Thank you for your understanding.
Ottawa Public Health (OPH): OPH continues to encourage using the General Self-Assessment Tool to screen yourself and your family daily. OPH has also outlined some information and resources related to measures that you can take to continue keeping yourself and your families safe during this respiratory season.
Walking children being dropped off by caregivers: When dropping your child off in the back of the school, please do not stand in or near the line up with your child. For the safety of all our students, we ask that parents move either to the bike rack or leave the school property. Thank you for your understanding and assistance with this.
Wanda & Lisa